For Brand Owners Who Know They’re Capable Of More:

Plug & Play My Winning Direct Response Templates, Funnel Copywriting Structures, And Strategy Responsible For $75 Million In eCommerce Revenue

Trusted by leading brands

Utilize The Hyper Aggressive Tactics OfDirect Response MarketingFor Your eCom Brand And PROSPER In 2024


What's Inside?

  • Writing impactful, attention grabbing headlines and leads that literally force your customers to take out their wallets and give you their money (for long form sales letters, VSLs, landing pages)...
  • eCom email copywriting: the campaigns, copy, strategy, and deliverability tactics to generate 40% of your annual revenue from email
  • Step by step how to write  direct response emails that drive thousands of CLICKS to your offers (these emails and their structures have sold 10s of millions online, and you get it all)
  • Unique mechanisms - how to put a unique and novel spin on ANY product so that you can stand out from the market and acquire customers who pay you more (even if you have the exact same product as someone else who sells for less)
  • The daily money printing exercise you can use to become a GREAT copywriter in just 60 days (less than 1 hour per day)...
  • ​Split testing 101: How to test, what to test, and how to find new test ideas from the shadow society. This is the secret sauce no one talks about, and is the real difference between making 6 figures and 8 figures and beyond. 
  • 8 figure templates for advertorials and emails.
  • The 100k/day product launch strategy for eCommerce brands…
  • How to write upsells that get 30%+ take rates…
  • Where to source the best scaling offers so you can study and swipe them.
  • ​Deliverability 101: How to stop hitting the spam folder (for email marketers) and DOUBLE your email sales
  • 8 Figure Direct Response Marketing Secrets from some of the biggest names you’ve NEVER heard of (the GHOSTS behind your favorite direct marketing campaigns that print 3M/month)...
  • ​Step by step, how to beat any control and turn a business from in the red to in the green, no matter if it’s an email, advertorial, VSL, landing page, upsell, video ads, or a long form letter…
  • Split Test Mastery - how to effectively swipe and run front and backend split tests for MAXIMUM profit (PLUS: how to come up with new ideas that will add thousands to your bottom line)
  • Hybrid DR/eCom 101 - landing pages, emails, and the 6 figure product launch strategy for eCom brands (WITHOUT paid ads)...
  • An Introduction To Long Form Copywriting - learn the A - Z on writing long form VSLs/TSLs in ANY niche, straight from one of the best long form writers on the planet.
  • The Two-Pronged Approach To Market Research - separate yourself from the competition by making calculated decisions like a PRO marketer. This is the difference between offers that scale, and offers that flop.

ButWho Am I… And Why Should You Listen To Me?

From The Desk Of Zarak

Founder of Mailer Profit, The Copy Council, and Value-Add Partner For Over 55 Brands
I’ve worked closely with some of the best internet marketers alive…
  • Like the direct mentee of Mark Ford, marketing genius and founder of billion dollar Agora…
  • The man behind the original “Island Where People Forget To Die” promo, an 8 figure hit piece that changed the DR industry for good… 
  • Peter Tzemis, best-selling-author, founder of Supplement Millionaire, The Marketing Genius behind Jordan Belfort, Owner of Pup Labs, and Beat Your Control…
  • ​And countless seven, eight, and nine figure ‘ghosts’ that I can’t name…
After generating more than $75,000,000 in DTC sales for my clients and my own brands over the last 5 years… 

And then being crowned ‘The 13th Best Copywriter Of 2023’...

I’ve decided to reveal ALL my secrets to you in afree playbook


Let me be blunt:

You will go through this playbook…

You’ll realize how good I am at what I do… 

And then you’ll book a call with me and pay my team to do it for you.

But first, let me give you some context.

As you read this, there’s a small “Shadow Society” of eCom brands generatingHUNDREDS of millions of dollars per year… 


And no - they don’t run basic ads to product pages. 

They aren’t running ‘spin the wheel’ opt in pop ups to collect leads.

And they couldn’t care less about starting blogs, personal brands, or attending 'networking events'. 

No, this “Shadow Society” consists of the copywriters behind 8 & 9 figure advertorial funnels…

Founders of BILLION dollar hold co’s like Agora, Golden Hippo, and BioTRUST… 

And elusive affiliate marketers, driving hundreds of thousands dollars in profit per day off of cold-traffic sales letters…

These are theGHOSTSbehind the biggest eCom brands of all time. 

And as an everyday brand owner… 

You’ve probably caught wind of a funnel on Facebook that’s doing millions in profit each month… 

Or you’ll hear of moonshot offers taking a normal guy to a 9 figure LIQUID net worth… 

And if you know where to look, you may even find the long form VSL scripts that these copywriters use to convert thousands of buyers per day… 

But even then… 

This “Shadow Society” is inaccessible to the average brand owner.

And that is by design.

Think about it… 

Why would a top affiliate want you to know which ad set converts best for them?

And why would a copywriter, who’s raking in 6 figures profit per month off of a blackhat offer, want to teach you about what he does?

You don’t even know where to start…  

And most importantly…

You don’t know how you can implement these “Shadow Society” principles into yourOWN business
(ethically and compliantly)… 

That’s why I’ve brought you this short letter. 

To bridge the gap between YOU and this “Shadow Society”...

Getinstantaccess to the systems I’ve personally used to generate over$75MMas a direct response marketer and brand owner.

Copyright MailerProfit 2023.

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